How to Effectively Care For Your Painted Purse
When purchasing a painted handbag for the first time most people are concerned with how to maintain their gorgeous purse. Proper care is an absolute necessity for any handbag or painted product if you are looking to keep it in the best shape possible. Fortunately, the care of your painted fabric handbag is minimal when it has been painted with the right fabric paints as it will extend the life of the bag.
Proper Storage
Essential to the prolonged life of your handbag is storage
in a cool dry area. It is also important to keep the exterior surface of your hand painted handbag free from paper products, cardboard, grease and excessive dust etc.
Painted handbags can also be stored in a loose-fitting fabric dust bags Your work of art should also be protected from heavy objects resting on them to preserve the shape. In order to maintain the shape and prolong the life of your handbag, it should not be overstuffed.
Appreciate The Value of Art
I’ve seen many custom painted handbags over the years, that have been kept in immaculate condition by ladies who understand the value of art and truly treasure their collectible. Sadly, I have also seen a few poorly kept handbags that cried for an early retirement. These bags have been used as mules to carry overly heavy objects on a regular basis which have distorted the shape, destroyed leather handles and virtually blackened the interior and exterior of the once beautiful handbag.
How to Clean Your Painted Purse
If your handbag becomes soiled, avoid a build up of dirt by cleaning with a soft, damp cloth and a small amount of liquid detergent; air dry when complete and store in a cool, dry area. Your hardware could also be wiped to a shine with a soft dry cloth; a little water can be used if necessary but no detergent; dry immediately.
Remember that your painted handbag is a collectible work of art which should increase in value with proper care. Enjoy your handbags ladies!